The Scand-LAS Scholarship is to support Scand-LAS members´ participation to the Scand-LAS Annual Meeting.
Scand-LAS scholarship are not allocated in years when the FELASA congress is arranged (but then it is possible to apply for CPD Grant).
Terms of support for Scand-LAS Scholarship
Only Scand-LAS members can apply. The scholarship are open for Animal Technicians, Biomedical Laboratory Technicians, Postgraduate students/PhD students as well as junior scientists (< 5 years since PhD graduation) as well as in extraordinary circumstances other non-scientific personnel, who have difficulties in getting funding from other sources.
Postgraduate/PhD students, junior scientists and the non-scientific personnel specified above will have to submit an abstract for poster or oral presentation in order to be eligible to scholarship.
Technicians are encouraged to submit an abstract for poster or oral presentation. This will strengthen the possibility to receive funding.
Only complete applications are considered (see “Application procedure” below).
The scholarship is reimbursed after the meeting to those who have been granted scholarship.
To be refunded, the stipend holder must present original receipts and a short travel report no later than three (3) months after the activity has been completed. The report should include what has been achieved during the meeting. Evaluation of the meeting will be separate.
Questions can be sent to any Board member by e-mail or to webmaster
Application procedure
Application deadline is 1st February.
Application form is available here (For PC: application form (Word))(For Apple : application form (word))
The application must include
- The completed application form, including the full CV and motivation for attending the annual meeting
- A Letter of recommendation (must be signed)
- Abstract for poster or oral presentation (optional for technicians, obligatory for others, see “Terms of support”). See also guidelines for abstract submission below.
The application must be in English. Those of you that hesitate to write in English, please ask your supervisor or any from the Scand-LAS board for assistance.
Only complete applications will be considered. Incomplete applications will be rejected.
The application with attachments should be submitted as one single pdf file by e-mail to: no later than 1st February.
Questions can be sent to any Board member by e-mail or to webmaster
CPD Grant
General information about the Scand-LAS CPD Grant
The Scand-LAS Board has decided to allocate money to support Scand-LAS members that wish to participate in Continuous Professional Development (CPD) activities within the field of Laboratory Animal Science (theoretical or practical). Examples of such activities include participation in relevant international conferences other that the Scand-LAS symposium, relevant courses in animal experimentation, relevant study visit to other institution, or similar.
The grant will be up to 1000 EUROS each, and will cover part of costs for symposium or courses fees and travel costs.
Who can apply?
The grant are open for animal technicians, biomedical laboratory technicians, PhD students as well as postgraduate junior scientists (maximum 5 years after PhD graduation), as well as in extraordinary circumstances other non-scientific personnel, who have difficulties in getting funding from other sources.
Only complete applications will be considered. Incomplete applications will be rejected.
Application procedures Application form can be found here: CPD_grant ( travel_grant Download Applications) shall be submitted as one single pdf fiile by e-mail to Deadline for applications is no later than two (2) months before the planned event . The application must include the following:Full CVBudget indicating Scand-LAS part of the financing and financing from other sourcesSupport letter from the applicant’s institutionIf one or more of the above mentioned documents are missing, the application will be rejected. The application must be in English. Those of you that hesitate to write in English please ask your supervisor or any from the Scand-LAS board for help. |
Terms of support
If granted, the applicant will receive payment after the activity, after submission and approval of a final report. The final report shall include a short summary of the outcome of the activity, as well as a financial report of all expenses with original receipts. The final report has to be submitted no later than 3 months after the activity has been completed.
Scand-LAS also welcome and encourage those who receive grants to submit the report with summary of the outcome of the activity in the Scand-LAS newsletter (not obligatory).
Questions can be sent to any Board member by e-mail or